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High-Fat Diet During Puberty Speeds Up Breast Cancer Development Nov. 26, 2013 — New findings show that eating a high-fat diet beginning at puberty speeds up the development of breast cancer and may actually increase the risk of cancer similar to a type often found in younger adult women. The research comes from the Breast Cancer and the Environment Research Program at Michigan State University and is published in the current online issue of Breast Cancer Res.. 더보기
Bacteria Recycle Broken DNA: Modern Bacteria Can Add DNA from Creatures Long-Dead to Its Own Nov. 18, 2013 — From a bacteria’s perspective the environment is one big DNA waste yard. Researchers have now shown that bacteria can take up small as well as large pieces of old DNA from this scrapheap and include it in their own genome. This discovery may have major consequences – both in connection with resistance to antibiotics in hospitals and in our perception of the evolution of life itse.. 더보기
Single-Cell Genome Sequencing Gets Better Single-Cell Genome Sequencing Gets Better Nov. 10, 2013 — Researchers led by bioengineers at the University of California, San Diego have generated the most complete genome sequences from single E. coli cells and individual neurons from the human brain. The breakthrough comes from a new single-cell genome sequencing technique that confines genome amplification to fluid-filled wells with a volume.. 더보기
Global Precipitation Linked to Global Warming Global Precipitation Linked to Global Warming Nov. 11, 2013 — The rain in Spain may lie mainly on the plain, but the location and intensity of that rain is changing not only in Spain but around the globe. A new study by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory scientists shows that observed changes in global (ocean and land) precipitation are directly affected by human activities and cannot be exp.. 더보기
Child Born With HIV Still in Remission After 18 Months Off Treatment Child Born With HIV Still in Remission After 18 Months Off Treatment Oct. 23, 2013 — A 3-year-old Mississippi child born with HIV and treated with a combination of antiviral drugs unusually early continues to do well and remains free of active infection 18 months after all treatment ceased, according to an updated case report published Oct. 23 in the New England Journal of Medicine. Early findin.. 더보기
Pandoravirus: Missing Link Discovered Between Viruses and Cells Pandoravirus: Missing Link Discovered Between Viruses and Cells Oct. 14, 2013 — With the discovery of Mimivirus ten years ago and, more recently, Megavirus chilensis[1], researchers thought they had reached the farthest corners of the viral world in terms of size and genetic complexity. With a diameter in the region of a micrometer and a genome incorporating more than 1,100 genes, these giant vi.. 더보기
New Antiviral Response Discovered in Mammals New Antiviral Response Discovered in Mammals Oct. 10, 2013 — Many viral infections are nipped in the bud by the innate immune response. This involves specific proteins within the infected cell that recognize the virus and trigger a signalling cascade -- the so-called interferon response. This activates a protective mechanism in neighbouring cells and often results in the death of the primarily i.. 더보기
Innate Virus-Killing Power Discovered in Mammals Innate Virus-Killing Power Discovered in Mammals Oct. 10, 2013 — Scientists have a promising new approach to combating deadly human viruses thanks to an educated hunch by University of California, Riverside microbiology professor Shou-Wei Ding, and his 20 years of research on plants, fruit flies, nematodes and mice to show the truth in his theory. Researchers led by Ding, who heads a lab in UC R.. 더보기
2013 노벨 생리의학상 그래, 노벨 생리의학상 발표가 났구나... 근데, 이거 되게 낯익은데 - _- 왠지 새삼스럽다는 생각이 든 건 나 뿐인가 했는데 아니나 다를까, 이미 연구된지 오랜지, 사용된지 오랜지, 다만 그간 너무 많은 사람들이 수상 대기자로 줄 서 있어서 이제사 받는거라고 하네 그렇지 - _- 난 내가 되게 엄청 열심히 많이 공부해서 노벨상도 만만한가 했어 ....는 농담이고 ㅋ 하지만 이미 밝혀진지 오래라는 사실은 안농담 대략적으로 소개하자면 우리 몸에서 사용되는 수많은 전달물질들, 예를 들면 호르몬(Hormone), 신경전달물질(Neurotransmitter), 사이토카인(Cytokine) 등이 어떻게 적시에 세포의 적절한 곳에서 분비되는가? 를 연구한 것이다. 특히 발생학이나 신경생리학, 내분비학에서는 이게 .. 더보기